The One Behind the Mask

Fionna. Fifi. 18. Female. III-BS PSYCHOLOGY student. Single (and lovin' it). Shy. Sensitive. Spontaneous. Beautiful. Stern. Sweet. Compassionate. Determined. Talkative. Dramatic. Calm. Cool. Confindent. Snob. Passionate. Sensible. Sentimental. Cry baby.

Interested? --> other references available upon request
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Fionna is in love with...
  • Dark Chocolates.

  • Tennis.

  • Basketball.

  • Short stories.

  • Musical play.

  • shopping.

  • singing.

  • noringai.

  • roni_bats.

  • beach.

  • sunset.

  • rain.

  • Fionna is wishing for...
  • a sports car

  • an island

  • a new fone (nah, not really...)
  • a toy dog (pet)

  • an older brother?!

  • a knight in shining armor?!

  • Her other wishes...
  • learn to dive

  • travel the world

  • learn french

  • learn japanese
  • meet roni_bats

  • lose all her excess fat!

  • Fionna has been up to...
  • blogging (duh!).

  • studying (as always...)

  • Bowling

  • reading novels

  • watching DVDs

  • Mediacal Stuffs

  • Fionna has read...
  • The Da Vinci Code

  • Angels and Demons

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Five Feople You Meet in Heaven

  • The Alchemist

  • By the river piedra I sat down and wept

  • Harry Potter (books I-IV)

  • Confession of a Shopaholic

  • Where the Heart is

  • The Little Prince

  • Veronica Decides to Die

  • Cosmo Book Collection: No Boyfriend since birth. Have Baby, Will date. Getting Married. Confessions of a drama queen. Break-up diaries. Tough Love. Vince's Life. et al.

  • Fionna is currently raving about...
  • Grey's Anatomy

  • Med School

  • Masquerade party

  • Memories of the Past May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007

    Masqueraders at the Ball
  • Abby
  • Anjo
  • Carl
  • Cho
  • Edmund Grey
  • Frances
  • Hannah
  • Janna Marie
  • Jolo
  • Karlo
  • Kat Diano
  • Kat Perez
  • Lex
  • Marianne Joyce
  • Mya
  • Paul
  • Raina
  • Red
  • Rich
  • Roman
  • Ruja
  • Sarah
  • Talitha

  • Whispers of the Night

    Music of my soul

    credits maker

    Sunday, August 19, 2007
    Into the future...

    Into the future...
    UGTS - Underground Teleportation System
    The weather hasn’t been very kind this week. We have spent so many days at home because of the heavy rains and the flash floods that Mother Nature decides to bestow upon us. Well, the rains aren’t that bad since it helps us recover from the “dry spell” that we’ve been experiencing for quite a while. Actually, I love rainy days. However, I do not appreciate it when it is the cause of the multiple postponements of classes. We’ve been struggling because of the last minute exams and requirements that are given to us by our professors, not to mention the finals week is coming very soon. Oh well, I would like to apologize for the delay in posting my weekly entries. It’s just that every time it rains the telephone connections in our place are cut off so I haven’t had the opportunity to go online and chat with my friends, read my daily dose of online fictions, and update my blog. Whew! But here I am now! I’m backkk! =)

    So this week, we had our creative project # 4 or was it 5? Oh whatever. Anyway, we were tasked to build something that will represent the structures of the “future”. I belong to group 1 and we were assigned to build/design a futuristic transportation facility. Working with my group was awkward at first because we didn’t know how to act around each other since some of us don’t know each other well. But I’m glad that most of my group mates are my fellow psych majors and the other two, Benjo and Raymond, were my group mates back then on our first creative project. Actually, I’m acquainted with every one of my group mates except for one girl (and up until now, I have no idea what her name is).

    We decided to make an underground transportation facility. Since we imagined that in the future, all spaces both on land and air will be pretty much occupied, it would be better to create a transportation system underground. And this transportation isn’t in anyway ordinary because it uses teleportation in order to travel. Because of that, we named it as UGTS – Underground Teleportation System. Why teleportation? It’s because we think that people in the future would be so busy working therefore they don’t have enough time for their family and for themselves. But through teleportation, they’ll be able to get home in no less than 10 seconds!

    calm_potion ♥ 10:02 AM link to post 0 comments