The One Behind the Mask

Fionna. Fifi. 18. Female. III-BS PSYCHOLOGY student. Single (and lovin' it). Shy. Sensitive. Spontaneous. Beautiful. Stern. Sweet. Compassionate. Determined. Talkative. Dramatic. Calm. Cool. Confindent. Snob. Passionate. Sensible. Sentimental. Cry baby.

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  • Tennis.

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  • singing.

  • noringai.

  • roni_bats.

  • beach.

  • sunset.

  • rain.

  • Fionna is wishing for...
  • a sports car

  • an island

  • a new fone (nah, not really...)
  • a toy dog (pet)

  • an older brother?!

  • a knight in shining armor?!

  • Her other wishes...
  • learn to dive

  • travel the world

  • learn french

  • learn japanese
  • meet roni_bats

  • lose all her excess fat!

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  • The Da Vinci Code

  • Angels and Demons

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Five Feople You Meet in Heaven

  • The Alchemist

  • By the river piedra I sat down and wept

  • Harry Potter (books I-IV)

  • Confession of a Shopaholic

  • Where the Heart is

  • The Little Prince

  • Veronica Decides to Die

  • Cosmo Book Collection: No Boyfriend since birth. Have Baby, Will date. Getting Married. Confessions of a drama queen. Break-up diaries. Tough Love. Vince's Life. et al.

  • Fionna is currently raving about...
  • Grey's Anatomy

  • Med School

  • Masquerade party

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    Masqueraders at the Ball
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  • Kat Diano
  • Kat Perez
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  • Marianne Joyce
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  • Raina
  • Red
  • Rich
  • Roman
  • Ruja
  • Sarah
  • Talitha

  • Whispers of the Night

    Music of my soul

    credits maker

    Friday, July 27, 2007
    naked and nude

    Naked and nude
    What we discussed this week was out of the blue. I though we would be discussing about the classical architectures like the Parthenon, Leaning tower of Pisa, etc. But the session last Monday began with several “Projective Images” like the Rorschach and numerous optical illusions. This week’s first session was focused on the way we view things. It showed that each one of us has our own “senses” in viewing things, we all have different perspectives. The ways we interpret an object/image greatly depend on our sense of self.

    Last Monday’s activity was a good opening for our topic this week. This week is all about Nakedness and Nudes. Ms. Castro presented an assortment of paintings and pictures that show the classical western and eastern paintings that has “nudity” as their common theme.

    We also discussed about the difference between nude and naked. Naked simply means a lack of clothing. Being naked is to be bare from head to toe, to openly show one’s body without mask. On the other hand, nude, while being naked, gives the impression that one person is clothed. His/her nakedness has turned into a mask. The flesh, the tresses, and the contours of one’s body is presented fully and seen as an object, an object of desire.

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    On all the paintings showed by our mentor, the Judgment of Paris is one of the paintings that captured my attention. Although this painting connotes a negative feeling for me, I’d still say that it is one of the striking paintings that I saw. It looked beautiful. However, its message, rather, its story didn’t make me feel good as a woman. Who would want to be judged by men based only on their physical appearance? Oh, maybe other women would but I certainly would not condone it. The painting only shows that most (most but not all) men are very superficial.

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    Anyway, the intention of the painters who follows the western tradition of nudes doesn’t appeal to me at all. They imply that women are mere objects to be fantasized and be desired to. They think lowly of women and the women’s capabilities. To them, women are objects and thus can only be useful to pleasure them. Even the way people view women that time are degrading. Everything that a woman does is a reflection of her persona. Unlike men, they can easily attribute their actions to their mood and not to their personality. No wonder most women nowadays feel so insecure and apprehensive.

    In the Eastern Tradition nudes, I particularly like the picture of Vishnu and Lakshmi that was presented in class. However, the image of Lakshmi as “flirtatious” irked me somehow because I don’t like overly flirtatious women. But still, the thought that the eastern paintings portray love and equality made me look optimistic compared to indifferent paintings in the Western tradition.

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    Western tradition of nudes exudes a feeling of ownership. The women in the paintings are viewed as an object. At the same they (women) are aware of their spectators. Eastern tradition of nudes on the other hand, portrays love and equality between men and women. The paintings show active participation of both parties in expressing their sexual desire and love to one another.

    calm_potion ♥ 11:23 AM link to post 0 comments