The One Behind the Mask

Fionna. Fifi. 18. Female. III-BS PSYCHOLOGY student. Single (and lovin' it). Shy. Sensitive. Spontaneous. Beautiful. Stern. Sweet. Compassionate. Determined. Talkative. Dramatic. Calm. Cool. Confindent. Snob. Passionate. Sensible. Sentimental. Cry baby.

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Fionna is in love with...
  • Dark Chocolates.

  • Tennis.

  • Basketball.

  • Short stories.

  • Musical play.

  • shopping.

  • singing.

  • noringai.

  • roni_bats.

  • beach.

  • sunset.

  • rain.

  • Fionna is wishing for...
  • a sports car

  • an island

  • a new fone (nah, not really...)
  • a toy dog (pet)

  • an older brother?!

  • a knight in shining armor?!

  • Her other wishes...
  • learn to dive

  • travel the world

  • learn french

  • learn japanese
  • meet roni_bats

  • lose all her excess fat!

  • Fionna has been up to...
  • blogging (duh!).

  • studying (as always...)

  • Bowling

  • reading novels

  • watching DVDs

  • Mediacal Stuffs

  • Fionna has read...
  • The Da Vinci Code

  • Angels and Demons

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Five Feople You Meet in Heaven

  • The Alchemist

  • By the river piedra I sat down and wept

  • Harry Potter (books I-IV)

  • Confession of a Shopaholic

  • Where the Heart is

  • The Little Prince

  • Veronica Decides to Die

  • Cosmo Book Collection: No Boyfriend since birth. Have Baby, Will date. Getting Married. Confessions of a drama queen. Break-up diaries. Tough Love. Vince's Life. et al.

  • Fionna is currently raving about...
  • Grey's Anatomy

  • Med School

  • Masquerade party

  • Memories of the Past May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007

    Masqueraders at the Ball
  • Abby
  • Anjo
  • Carl
  • Cho
  • Edmund Grey
  • Frances
  • Hannah
  • Janna Marie
  • Jolo
  • Karlo
  • Kat Diano
  • Kat Perez
  • Lex
  • Marianne Joyce
  • Mya
  • Paul
  • Raina
  • Red
  • Rich
  • Roman
  • Ruja
  • Sarah
  • Talitha

  • Whispers of the Night

    Music of my soul

    credits maker

    Sunday, July 15, 2007
    Microscopic Smile

    Microscopic smile

    What’s in a smile?

    Based from my personal experience, a smile can affect how other people perceive you as a person. A smile is very vital to a person’s social life because it is where friendship starts. You know… when you’re out somewhere and you don’t know anyone… all you have to do is to smile at someone then approach him/her and from there, a new friendship will bloom.

    Anyway, for the 18 years, 11 months, and 21 days of my existence, I’ve been labeled as “snob” or “mataray” by most of the people that I got acquainted of – and it’s because of my intimidating looks. Some says that it’s in the way my eyes and my eyebrows move (?!!?) while others, such as my mom’s officemates, say that it’s because of my smile, or the lack of it. J

    I confess that I don’t really smile a lot. Just like what my mom always say… “Mahal ang ngiti niyan!”. But even though I’m not used into smiling at others, I always make it a point to smile whenever I’m in the presence of my parents’ colleagues. But then, they still say that they haven’t seen me smile even once! Oh my Gossshh… are they blind!?!? Haha… My English teacher way back in high school love to call my smile as “the Mona Lisa smile” – but I protest, of course, since Mona Lisa truly gives me the creeps. Instead, I call my smile “the microscopic smile.” I think it would be the best description for my so-called “non-existent” smile.

    Okay… moving on to our lesson this week…

    We discussed about a very famous panting of Leonardo da Vinci. It is all about Mona Lisa for our art appreciation class this entire week. The entire week was spent on deciphering the meaning on the sitter’s smile, as well as the sitter’s identity and history. But then, in the end, all that was left was questions - Questions that one cannot answer just by the mere evidences collected by some historians, scientists, and scholars.

    By the time the end of our session came, a question was raised… What makes a masterpiece? For me, a masterpiece is shaped when the creator pours his heart and soul onto making something that can overawe and entice people. A master piece is something that makes the viewers think and hypothesize. It must show emotions, or a story, or better yet, it should bring up questions, just like what the Mona Lisa has done or has been doing to us right now.

    If I’m going to be asked whether I wanted to know who the real sitter is in this celebrated painting… or whether I wanted to know why the sitter is smiling… I would probably say no. The magic, or shall I say, the mystery of this painting lies on its anonymity. Its value greatly relies on the mystery that it entails. So, when the time comes that all the questions are answered, its value will depreciate. And soon, it would just be an ordinary painting. Just an ordinary work of art… :(

    calm_potion ♥ 1:21 PM link to post 0 comments