The One Behind the Mask

Fionna. Fifi. 18. Female. III-BS PSYCHOLOGY student. Single (and lovin' it). Shy. Sensitive. Spontaneous. Beautiful. Stern. Sweet. Compassionate. Determined. Talkative. Dramatic. Calm. Cool. Confindent. Snob. Passionate. Sensible. Sentimental. Cry baby.

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Fionna is in love with...
  • Dark Chocolates.

  • Tennis.

  • Basketball.

  • Short stories.

  • Musical play.

  • shopping.

  • singing.

  • noringai.

  • roni_bats.

  • beach.

  • sunset.

  • rain.

  • Fionna is wishing for...
  • a sports car

  • an island

  • a new fone (nah, not really...)
  • a toy dog (pet)

  • an older brother?!

  • a knight in shining armor?!

  • Her other wishes...
  • learn to dive

  • travel the world

  • learn french

  • learn japanese
  • meet roni_bats

  • lose all her excess fat!

  • Fionna has been up to...
  • blogging (duh!).

  • studying (as always...)

  • Bowling

  • reading novels

  • watching DVDs

  • Mediacal Stuffs

  • Fionna has read...
  • The Da Vinci Code

  • Angels and Demons

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Five Feople You Meet in Heaven

  • The Alchemist

  • By the river piedra I sat down and wept

  • Harry Potter (books I-IV)

  • Confession of a Shopaholic

  • Where the Heart is

  • The Little Prince

  • Veronica Decides to Die

  • Cosmo Book Collection: No Boyfriend since birth. Have Baby, Will date. Getting Married. Confessions of a drama queen. Break-up diaries. Tough Love. Vince's Life. et al.

  • Fionna is currently raving about...
  • Grey's Anatomy

  • Med School

  • Masquerade party

  • Memories of the Past May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007

    Masqueraders at the Ball
  • Abby
  • Anjo
  • Carl
  • Cho
  • Edmund Grey
  • Frances
  • Hannah
  • Janna Marie
  • Jolo
  • Karlo
  • Kat Diano
  • Kat Perez
  • Lex
  • Marianne Joyce
  • Mya
  • Paul
  • Raina
  • Red
  • Rich
  • Roman
  • Ruja
  • Sarah
  • Talitha

  • Whispers of the Night

    Music of my soul

    credits maker

    Sunday, June 17, 2007
    Music. Magic. Mystery

    Music, magic, and mystery

    Last Wednesday, the Yuchengco auditorium was graced by my ever astounding presence… Haha... just kidding! But seriously, I together with my fellow blockkies and classmates in artapre were there to witness the mini concert by the DLSU chamber ensemble. Actually, that event was sort of… a music workshop. During the first few minutes, we were introduced with the ethics that one must follow when a musical concert is ongoing. Benefits of music to the audiences and to the musicians as well were also discussed during the workshop. Moreover, we were familiarized to the different musical instruments both from our very own country and the western society. After all the introductions and “lectures” were given, the mini concert began. The DLSU Chamber ensemble played Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan” by Lucio San Pedro, and “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika” by Ryan Cayabyab.

    The mini concert was well-performed, at least for me it is. I’m not the type of person who criticizes things such as music so fervently. I admit that I do not know a lot when it comes to reviewing classical music or any kind of music at that. But for me, as long as the music sounds pleasant to the ear, I can say that the performance was well presented.

    I really like classical music pieces. The way the different musical instruments play in unison has a great impact to me. Classical pieces never fail to send shivers down my spine. I always view classical music, especially concertos, as an act of making love to your partner. It gives a very different aura. The way the musicians play their music- is so strong, intense and passionate. It is an overflow of emotions. Just like how two lovers expressing their love to each other. Every part expresses different passion. Now, I wouldn’t want to be too sexual here so I will not discuss this in perfect detail.

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    The instrument that I love best is the violin. I agree with Juan Ekis when he mentioned - in his short story entitled "Twenty Questions" - that the sound of a violin is like "a naked woman in surrender." The sound that the violin emanates is very soulful and sexy. It gives off the feeling of honesty. Its’ sound envelopes your existence with a sense of security. You can actually feel protected and safe whenever you hear its’ melodic echo...

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    Music. Music is some kind of a universal language. Anywhere in the world, you’ll find people who are passionate about it. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, no matter what your language is, it is music that makes our lives more livelier and worth living. You can never find a place that is not inclined to music. I’m sure that music has been a part of every one of us, even only at one point in our lives. After all, music is like food for the soul. It gives us energy whenever we feel weary, consoles us whenever we are sad, and enlightens us when we are confused. How can music bring these? It is very simple actually, the melody and the lyrics of songs that we hear around us is a living testimony to that. Isn’t it that whenever we feel gloomy, we listen to music that is mellow and calm? Isn’t it that upbeat music brings our energy level up a notch? See how music can affect us? :)

    Magic. Has it ever occurred to you that music has a big impact in our lives? It’s not actually big as in BIG. But somehow it really has significance to us. Isn’t it that when we’re inlove we feel that every romantic love song is made for us? We even say that the song really portray our [love] life. We kept on insisting that every love song represents our life and thus it makes us more inlove and blooming. On the other hand, whenever we are heartbroken, we deduce that every sad love song is created for us. And so, we feel even more morose and ominous. Isn’t it funny? The way music affects our feelings? It works like magic doesn’t it?

    Mystery. During the music workshop, the presenter said that music, particularly classical music, enhances brain activity. It is believed that music can make a person’s brain more efficient. That is, anyone who listens to classical music performs better in class. It suddenly occurred to me that my aunt once said that classical music is good for a pregnant woman for the baby in her womb will definitely be smart when he/she grow up. Hmm… I think I’ll do just that when the time comes… :) Another mystery is that a person who is in comatose can actually be cured with the help of… can u guess what it is? Haha… Well, with classical music too of course. Anyway, can you believe that instrumental music can help ripen grapes? I got this info from the music workshop last wednesday. I find it amusing really. I mean... music can make grapes grow? Nah... It seems impossible since grapes, unlike humans, do not have senses. This surely is one thing to wonder about. I
    t really is a mystery on how music can do these things. But it wouldn’t really do any harm if we try doing these, right? After all, if it intends to do well to others, then it must be something that we should encourage. :)

    To sum it up, music for me plays a vital part in one’s life. Music binds all of us together. We identify with each others’ feelings and emotions through music thus it helps us get to know the people around us better. It is also an outlet where we can pour our emotions, a stress-reliever perhaps. Furthermore, it gives us inspiration to go on with our lives and make our existence meaningful.

    Music will forever be magical and mysterious in my eyes.

    P.S. Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

    calm_potion ♥ 4:08 PM link to post 0 comments