The One Behind the Mask

Fionna. Fifi. 18. Female. III-BS PSYCHOLOGY student. Single (and lovin' it). Shy. Sensitive. Spontaneous. Beautiful. Stern. Sweet. Compassionate. Determined. Talkative. Dramatic. Calm. Cool. Confindent. Snob. Passionate. Sensible. Sentimental. Cry baby.

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Fionna is in love with...
  • Dark Chocolates.

  • Tennis.

  • Basketball.

  • Short stories.

  • Musical play.

  • shopping.

  • singing.

  • noringai.

  • roni_bats.

  • beach.

  • sunset.

  • rain.

  • Fionna is wishing for...
  • a sports car

  • an island

  • a new fone (nah, not really...)
  • a toy dog (pet)

  • an older brother?!

  • a knight in shining armor?!

  • Her other wishes...
  • learn to dive

  • travel the world

  • learn french

  • learn japanese
  • meet roni_bats

  • lose all her excess fat!

  • Fionna has been up to...
  • blogging (duh!).

  • studying (as always...)

  • Bowling

  • reading novels

  • watching DVDs

  • Mediacal Stuffs

  • Fionna has read...
  • The Da Vinci Code

  • Angels and Demons

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Five Feople You Meet in Heaven

  • The Alchemist

  • By the river piedra I sat down and wept

  • Harry Potter (books I-IV)

  • Confession of a Shopaholic

  • Where the Heart is

  • The Little Prince

  • Veronica Decides to Die

  • Cosmo Book Collection: No Boyfriend since birth. Have Baby, Will date. Getting Married. Confessions of a drama queen. Break-up diaries. Tough Love. Vince's Life. et al.

  • Fionna is currently raving about...
  • Grey's Anatomy

  • Med School

  • Masquerade party

  • Memories of the Past May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007

    Masqueraders at the Ball
  • Abby
  • Anjo
  • Carl
  • Cho
  • Edmund Grey
  • Frances
  • Hannah
  • Janna Marie
  • Jolo
  • Karlo
  • Kat Diano
  • Kat Perez
  • Lex
  • Marianne Joyce
  • Mya
  • Paul
  • Raina
  • Red
  • Rich
  • Roman
  • Ruja
  • Sarah
  • Talitha

  • Whispers of the Night

    Music of my soul

    credits maker

    Sunday, June 10, 2007
    Cinema Paradiso

    Cinema Paradiso

    Right after our introduction about films last week, Ms. Jewel told us that we’re going to watch a film. So this entire week was spent for film showing. We watched Cinema Paradiso, a movie that garnered many awards from numerous award giving bodies.

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    The story is all about a man’s love for movies and his undying friendship with a movie projectionist. The first part of the story showed how Salavatore a.k.a. “Toto” became Alfredo’s friend. Toto, being a very young child, adored watching movies in their local movie house, the Cinema Paradiso. And that is where he met Alfredo. They have gone through a lot as they go on with their lives. Alfredo became Toto’s confidant. He taught him lessons about life and love. He was also the key onto Toto’s success in movie making. He encouraged him to study well and pursue his dreams. Alfredo is the father that Toto never had. And at the same time, Toto is the son that Alfredo never had. Their bond can be seen as Father-son relationship.

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    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Cinema Paradiso was told in a way that the character, Salvatore, was lamenting about his memories of the past. To put simply, it was told through flashbacks which make it a bit different from the other films that I watched before. The things that we’ve learned about camera positions were obviously applied in this film. The long shots, medium shots, and close-up shots that I explained on my previous post were used. Up until now, my most favorite among all is the close-up shots. Nothing beats close-up shots! Haha! In the film, I love the scene where Salvatore’s mother showed him his room full of his belongings when he was a kid. Then the camera focused on a picture of Toto and Alfredo. Another scene that I like is the time where Salvatore went to the Cinema Paradiso just before it is demolished. For me, those scenes brought up a myriad of memories and emotions.

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    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    I really appreciated this movie. I like the way the actors and actresses express the emotions that were needed for the characters in the story. As I said on my previous blog entry, I love to watch shows that can make me cry. Last Friday, just before we watch the finale of the movie, I read the summary that I got from the internet. In that summary, some of the dialogues were stated and I really cried a lot while reading it. For me, the script of the movie was superb. They made it in such a way that the viewers will be mesmerized because of the sentimental exchange of words between the characters. Now, I can say that this movie is one of my favorites. It doesn’t only have a substance, but it also holds a variety of emotions. It is very heart warming. Cinema Paradiso can make you laugh, weep, and smile.

    A good movie, for me, is something that has essence. It shall convey a lesson, a realization perhaps regarding our experiences in life, or the way we live. It is important that it will touch the hearts of its viewers… It is necessary that the viewers will be inspired. And it must move them into doing something good or into being a better person.

    P. S.: Alfredo does look like Mang Jack, doesn't he? :)
    ...and the 10 year-old Toto reminds me of my High School batchmate. :)

    calm_potion ♥ 1:10 PM link to post 0 comments